R2 applicant from Asia. My first interview was with an investment banker in the lounge of a nice British-style restaurant/bar. It was close to my office and was convenient to reach.
I arrived on time. It was raining hard outside and my interviewer arrived soon. We moved to a corner table and ordered some sparkling water.
He told me that the interview was going to be a conversation and that this stage of the admissions process was to gauge the person behind the application. I placed a copy of my CV on the table for his reference.
Some of the questions received:
– general overview of life; what have you done so far to get to where you are? – how does your firm win work? – why MBA; why INSEAD? – why not an M. in Fin. instead of a MBA? where else have you applied? – where do you see yourself 10 years from now? – tell me about a time you were in control of a project and took a leadership position – what is your leadership style?
He told me about his personal experience at INSEAD right through the interview. The campus he was at. The strength of the alumni network. What he does. I also asked him a few questions at the end about the program.
The interviewer seemed a very calm person and had a very pleasant personality. He did not try to corner me at any stage and the interview went smoothly IMO. Before I knew it I had been speaking to him for about an hour and 10-15 mins.
He said if I had any further questions I should contact him and with that he brought the interview to a close. We walked out together to the door and left in separate directions. I sent him a thank you email.