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IU / Kelley MBA Interview Report: Round 1 / Student / Campus

The following IU / Kelley MBA interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 1 applicant.

This was a very informal interview which took place in a small meeting room adjacent to the admissions office. The interview was conducted by a second year student who seemed very enthusiastic about the program. Questions were very straight-forward with an emphasis on personal fit and career objectives. The student seemed very much impressed and wrote quite a bit when I brought up conversation points on Kelley’s academy program, as this is a favorite amongst students. I would not stress all too much about preparation as there is nothing in this interview that would not be covered in other b-school admissions discussions.

In the campus tour aspect, it seemed like Kelley was doing a strong job of selling itself to potential students. It came off as a strong Midwestern school that lacked pretension and instead focused on providing a welcoming learning environment. Overall, I was very satisfied with my Kelley experience.