I had my interview at the end of March. I got the decision this week – admitted. The conversation last for 1,5 hours. Meeting was very nice and I had a great opportunity to present myself and when I say myself I really mean it. Don’t talk about your resume only, talk about your story and your life (not only professional) and use your CV as a template to follow. As you can see I’m European and not native English speaker. The interviewer created relaxed atmosphere, she was asking some questions related to topics I was discussing.
I read the book “how to get to top MBA program” and in all honesty don’t over do it. Be yourself, present your values and believes, personality and how it is tight to your professional career. Don’t play and plan too much. They require extensive professional experience. If you have required experience you should already know what kind of questions you shouldn’t ask during conversation like this one. Leverage international experience if you have such – mine is extensive and I could present it.
Address typical questions while talking about yourself. Let me know if I can be of any help. [email protected]