Admissions Round 2, Interview 27 January 2006
Applicant: non-profit background (art museum administration) education: MA in art history age: 28 GMAT: 700 GPA undergrad: 3.65 at top-10 school GPA grad: 3.8 at top MA program in art history
Received admissions decision today: rejected.
Rejection was not a surprise after the nightmare interview I had with Kellogg alum. Interview was held in Boston. Interviewer was early-mid 40s female Kellogg grad and brand manager at Gillette/P&G. Interview lasted two hours in small, hot room. By the time I emerged from the sweatbox, I was drenched and my suit sagged with perspiration.
Typical interview questions, beginning with “walk me through your resume.” Interviewer challenged me numerous times and, surprisingly, was mildly hostile in her challenges. I had difficulty connecting with her and was frustrated with her method and approach. Had few questions for her, mostly because I assumed that she was out of touch with the current life at the school (she graduated some time ago).
key guiding questions: -walk me through your resume -tell me about the key challenges there -do you see yourself returning to your “behind-the-scenes” role? -what kind of leader are you? -why Kellogg?