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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Off-campus / R1 / Alumnus

Originally shared by B-School Bound

It was a standard 30-minute interview at the alum’s office, with nothing unusual, save the last question:

  1. Walk me through your resume. (approximately 5 minutes)
  2. Why an MBA? (1 minute)
  3. Why Kellogg? (2 minutes)
  4. What do you want to do after your MBA? (2 minutes)
  5. Why? (1 minute)
  6. Why Kellogg, from an academic perspective? (my previous response was around the personality and style of Kellogg’s students and approach;2 minutes)
  7. What did you do at Organization X? (2 minutes)
  8. How did that compare to your internship at Y? (2 minutes)
  9. I’ve heard [general perceptions] about X and Y; did you find these to be true? (1 minute)
  10. If you didn’t get into any of the MBA programs to which you’re applying, what would you do? (2 minutes)

And then there was Question Time for about 5 minutes.