I interviewed on campus with an admissions officer. I thought it was a great chance to see the school in person (since I hadn’t had a chance to yet). I scheduled the interview for the afternoon so I would have a chance to visit classes and meet with some students beforehand, which was great because it gave me a chance to formulate more intelligent questions based on my experience. As others have said, the interview was very conversational and the interviewer nodded and smiled a lot. Sometimes I felt she was nodding even when I wasn’t really saying anything important though, so it may have just been a tactic or a habit, I’m not sure. She did tell me that since she was interviewing me, she would not be a reviewer of my application.
One piece of advice if you are interviewing on campus: check out the schedule of events for that day first to make sure your interview lines up with the activities you want to do. I wasn’t able to do a tour or visit a second class because my interview overlapped the times.
Questions I was asked:
- Tell me about your undergrad experience. Include why you chose your major and the extracurricular activities you were involved in.
- Tell me about your work experience and major activities. Include why you moved from Company A to Company B.
- What are you short and long term career goals? What is your ideal position post-MBA?
- Why do you want an MBA?
- Why Kellogg?
- Tell me about a time in your work or extracurricular activities that you led a team.
- What is the biggest weakness in your application?
- In your latest performance review, what strengths were highlighted and what weaknesses was it recommended that you work on?
- How would your team members at work describe what you are like to work with?
- How would you describe your leadership style?
- What unique aspects would you bring to Kellogg? What kind of team member do you think you will be to your fellow students?
- Tell me about an ethical dilemma you have faced.
- Tell me about your most challenging professional relationship.
- What extracurricular activities would you get involved in at Kellogg?
- What do you do for fun?
- What personality trait surprised people about you?
- Do you have any other items you’d like to discuss?