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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: On Campus / Round 1

My interview was the last interview of the day on a very busy Friday. So it started a bit late. The interviewer surprised me with very detailed questions about the class I had attended earlier in the day. It was an interesting class, so fortunately I had paid attention. There was the usual why Kellogg, why MBA question. But there were no tough behavioral questions. I work in the wireless industry and we spent a lot of time talking about how wireless works. She was also very interested in knowing about India (my home country). After a while it didn’t feel like an interview at all. It felt more like a casual coffee house conversation. I don’t know whether thats good or bad. The low point of the interview for me was when she asked how my expected long-term business venture (I am targetting entrepreneurship) would make money. I went off on a tangent instead of giving a focussed answer. I came out of the interview feeling pretty good as I felt that we had connected on some level. But now that decisions are coming out my paranoid self can only think about what all I could have done better.