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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: R2 / Intl / Adcom / Telephonic

Very relaxed & conversational. The interview started 10 minutes late and lasted another 20-25 minutes:

The adcom member started by introducing herself and gave me a background of what the application review process was. Then we dived into the interview

  • Long-term goals and short-term goals?
  • Talk about each of your job changes and why you made those changes?
  • Why Kellogg?
  • What can you add to the Kellogg community both inside and outside of class?
  • Can you talk about a conflict situation and how you dealt it?
  • What do you learn from your team-mates?
  • Do you have any questions for me?

What did I think about the interview?

Flowed very smooth and was straightforward. I think it went well and I finished with a good feeling

Now all thats left is to wait.