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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus

I flew in and out the same day from NYC, and I’m not sure whether I would recommend that. It was pretty exhausting.

As soon as I landed, I went straight to the admissions office and signed up to attend a class, have lunch with a student and then have the interview. I had the interview with an Adcom member and was prepared to answer all the regular questions. It was blind, so I walked her through my resume. She noticed a date was off and called that out. I panicked, but she redirected the interview and got it back on course.

She asked me about my leadership style two different ways, which was I wasn’t expecting. First she asked what my supervisor would say my leadership style is and then what my peers would say it is. I was expecting the standard “what’s your leadership style” question, but wasn’t expecting to have to explain that from two different perspectives.

Overall the interview was pretty standard. Oh, one thing is that I felt like she was rushed and wasn’t very conversational. That said, I was one of the last interviews of the day on a Friday. I imagine I was the hundredth interview she’d done that week and that she was exhausted. Can’t blame her. My advice would be to take an earlier time on a Friday or ideally an early time earlier in the week.

Best of luck!