Adcom seemed experienced and probed at all the right points.
- Walk me through your resume – with highlights of each. She checked that everything I spoke about was from the resume; asked a couple of follow up questions.
- What are your career goals? Drilled down into my long term career goal; not sure if this was to catch me off guard or to really understand my goals.
- Why do you want an MBA? Why Kellogg?
- What would your teammates say about you?
- What kind of a leader are you?
- Discuss a failure in a team context
- What is a weakness you have?
- How do you see yourself contributing to Kellogg community?
- Do you have any questions for me? I asked her about things Kellogg was doing in response to the current economic climate. She gave me a long answer.
Interview had an open-ended feel to it. She would often see me speaking and stay quiet, allowing me to take it the way I wanted. I used all these instances to show her why I loved Kellogg and also displayed my detailed knowledge of the school and its offerings. Its important to know your story cold – especially Why MBA, Why Kellogg and Walk me through your resume. I practiced these by saying them out loud to myself over a hundred times in the week leading up to the interview.