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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumni / Off-campus

I had an interview with an alum from the MMM program (since that’s what I’m applying for). It was a very relaxed interview. I took the train to meet up with the interviewer, and then we walked from the station to a coffee place. During the walk, we talked about basic introductory things, just basically getting to know each other. I actually answered the “Why do you want to go to business school” question while in line waiting for my drink!

When we sat down, I produced my resume and we went through it. Most of the questions were actually based on my experiences and my responses to those questions. I had prepared answers to a bunch of questions (mostly from this website), but since we talked a lot about my past experiences from my resume, the conversation just seemed to flow rather easily, and I never really had to pause and think to answer a question.

When I grasped that format of the conversation, I decided whether or not I would introduce certain parts of my past experiences that I wanted to highlight. For example, I explained how I perform a certain aspect of my job, and he followed up with a potential scenario to see if I had any experience with that. I said that I did, and that we used a tool that I created to address it, instead of simply saying Yes I had the experience.

Hope this helps, but like most of the other advice, just be yourself and be honest.

By the way, the interview ended up being two hours long.

RESULT : Admitted December 10, 2010