Kellogg gave me a month to schedule an interview with an alumni in my city. The interview took place at a Starbucks on a friday evening @ 6 pm. I wore a suit for the interview.
I reached the location around 5:50 pm and the alumni arrived right on time. We ordered (and paid) for our individual coffees. We had already started an informal discussion about where the alum worked, as I used to live close to his office earlier and had something to relate to. We sat in the middle of Starbucks and promptly started around 6:05 pm. I handed over a copy of my resume to the interviewer even though he had a soft copy on his laptop and asked me if he could type while I talked and fill up the online form.
Preparation Material: I went over this site and to obtain the standard list of questions that had been posted by others. I DIDN’T go over my application again before the interview, as I had just submitted my app 15 days back and all my essays were still very fresh in my mind. I prepared answers for all the unique questions that I had collected. I practiced answering the questions in front of a mirror during my prep.
Interview Experience: Very pleasant experience. The interview was conversational and the interviewer added to and confirmed during the interview by adding his own remarks. I even asked him questions during the whole interview process.
The questions asked were straightforward. 1. Why MBA? I answered this question starting with my current work exp and my extra-curricular involvements/initiatives/experiences that have helped me shape my future long term and short term goals. The interviewer was very pleased with what I want to do in the future and confirmed that an MBA from Kellogg will totally enable me to achieve my goals. (6-7 mins)
2. Why Kellogg? (5-6 mins)
3. My leadership expeiences? I asked if the interviewer wanted to know my work or non-work related experiences and he said, I could choose any. I added that I will give one of each. (I gave 2 examples and during one of them, he asked me more about how I had hired and motivated my employees [I am an entrepreneur]) (7-8 mins)
4. Conflicts at work place. (I gave 2 examples – 7-8 mins)
5. Tough decisions at work place? (I gave two situations – 7-8 mins)
6. A situation during work when, I could see a solution that others could not. I just gave one situation, but I was prepared with a few more. (5 mins)
7. What clubs will I get involved at Kellogg and why? (5 mins)
8. What unique traits will I bring to Kellogg? I answered this questions by talking about my values, ethics, my achievements since i was in 1st grade, what I have learned over the life thru all my experiences and involvments, the successes and the experiences gained, my strengths and which all areas will I add value to at Kellogg and how these will enhance others lives at Kellogg. The interviewer confirmed that he could already see my strengths that I claimed. (5-6 mins)
9. Finally I asked the interviewer about his experiences and his current job. etc. The interviewer very pleasantly answered my questions and added that he was happy that I asked him those questions. (15 mins)
Total ~ 65 minutes
Overall a very pleasant and satisfactory experience and I am just keeping my fingers crossed.