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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / First-year Student / On Campus

When I showed up for my Kellogg interview, I was asked to present my resume and fill out some paper work regarding my career goals, short and long, and my intended concentrations at Kellogg. My assumption was that the interviewer would quickly look a this in advance of the interview along with my resume. There will likely be several students in the lobby preparing to interview. I would suggest getting to know them and making conversation as a way to ease nerves before the interview.

My interviewer was a 1st year student. She started the interview by telling me it would be a blind interview and that the fact that she was a 1st year student did not put me at any disadvantage. Then the questions began as follows.

  1. Walk me through your resume. (there were no pauses, so be prepared to cover your resume from start to finish).
  2. What is your favorite aspect of your job?
  3. Why MBA now and why now? Incorporated why Kellogg and why I am applying to the 1-year program.
  4. What has been your most significant leadership experience?
  5. Tell me about what you contribute to your team (in the context of work)?
  6. What would your teammates say about you?
  7. What is one negative thing they would say about you?
  8. Is there anything you would like to point out that is negative within your application?
  9. Do you have any questions for me?

My interview lasted 35 minutes.