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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-Campus

The interview took place on campus. Many other applicants were there for interviews that day. I also participated in a full day of activities (tour, class, lunch, panels, etc.). Overall, the students and staff at Kellogg were extremely welcoming.

The interviewer launched straight into the interview without much small talk and without introducing herself (beyond her name), so I actually didn’t know what her relationship to the school was when I was responding to her questions (based on her age, I assumed she was on the Adcom, but I had heard that alumni interviewed as well).

– Tell me about your educational background and why you chose your undergrad institution.
– Walk me through your resume (she asked a lot of questions while I was responding so we quite literally walked through it)
– What accomplishment are you most proud of?
– Career goals, why an MBA and why Kellogg?
– What role do you typically take within a team?
– What’s a piece of constructive criticism you’ve received?
– Tell me about an example where you showed initiative.
– How will you contribute?

I had the opportunity to ask her a few questions after. My interviewer seemed very pleasant, but the interview was not as conversational as I had expected based on what I had heard about interviewing at Kellogg. She took notes and generally looked at her clipboard except when asking me questions, which made it difficult to establish a conversational tone. Out of all my interviews, I felt most grilled at Kellogg. I was admitted.