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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / On-campus

Interview was in the afternoon. Be sure to arrive 15m early. Interviewer was very friendly. She went through the application process and then dove into questions.


  • Walk me through your resume, beginning with your undergraduate degree (also follow up question made this similar to “tell me about yourself” question as well).
  • Why an MBA?
  • Why Kellogg?
  • What clubs do you plan to participate in while at Kellogg?
  • What do you do for fun/enjoy?
  • How has your leadership style progressed since college (through work or a specific extra-curricular activity)?
  • Have you held any leadership positions at work?
  • Have you faced any challenges as a leader at work? How did you deal with them?
  • Anything else you want to cover about yourself.
  • Any questions for me?

Although the questions above were the only questions asked, we did cover some community service I had done as that came up in a different area. Overall, I felt well prepared based on the questions posted on ClearAdmit. I had a few follow up questions but I had spoken with 4 alumni in the preceding weeks and had gotten a lot of info on Kellogg which I believe came across in my interview.

Interview took 30 minutes (which she said it would) and I believe that is the standard for all adcom on-campus meetings. My advice is read over Clear Admit questions and have answers prepared or at least thought about, that way you won’t be thrown off by anything.