A tad late posting here, but this what I went through earlier this year. Met with an associate director in Admissions.
- Why computer engineering?
- Can you walk me through your key leadership experiences at company X?
- You have all this great experience (7+ years). Why do you want an MBA now?
- Can you talk about your community experience?
- Tell me 3 things you are good at? Or 3 good characteristics.
- What would your colleagues tell me about you?
- What kind of a person are you on a team?
- What is an ideal teammate like?
- What kind of a teammate is hard to deal with?
- What do you do for fun?
- What kind of extra-curricular activities do you plan to take up at Kellogg?
- What feedback have you used to do better?
- What part of your application makes you nervous?
- What do you want the reviewer to notice?
- Anything else you would like Kellogg to know about you?
- If chosen by many schools how would you select from amongst them?
Interview lasted around 40 minutes.
Good luck to all aspirants!