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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Adcom / Telephonic

Well, I’m deployed to Afghanistan with the Marine Corps so I received an interview waiver. I was told to arrange a phone interview for the 20th on the 19th of January, but I didn’t see the e-mail until the 22nd because I don’t have ready access to my e-mails out here! But I called the office and they were very understanding of my circumstances and got me another interview the next day. Questions he asked:

  • Tell me about your undergraduate experience
  • Tell me about officer training
  • Tell me about joining the Marines (your present unit)
  • Tell me about what you learned in leadership

I did all the talking for the most part, and it went on for about 30 minutes. My satellite phone turned off on me three times, but before we started I let him know I had a satellite phone and he gave me his direct number so I called back. I asked him about the community for spouses and partners, and he told me about the JVs and the fact that they have a great community, and I asked him about the Kellogg Board Fellows and he told me about it, basically what I had learned on the website.

I then offered to send him a newsletter I made out here that I made for my family and he happily obliged.

Overall, it was very smooth and natural, and I don’t mind talking, so it went really well. Now we’ll see how it goes…

Result: Admitted!