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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 – Alum Interview / International / Awaiting decision.

My kellogg interview took place at a ’04 alum’s office. It went on for about 35 mins and was very conversational. I did get the impression that he was given a set of questions to be asked. It was more of a fit interview and ‘Why Kellogg’ appeared to be the most important question. The interview was very behavioural, requiring me to cite examples from my experiences to almost all the questions.

At times, I had to give more than one example to drive home the point.

The Q’s:-

  • Tell me about yourself incl. career progression, goals and why MBA?
  • Why Kellogg, what research have you done on Kellogg? How will K help you achieve your goals?
  • What do you bring to Kellogg/ How will you contribute?
  • Tell me of a time when your ideas were completely different and how did you convince others to follow your idea?
  • Tell me of a time when you thought out of the box/ what was the result of your actions?
  • Tell me of a time when you were under a lot of professional stress.
  • What has been your most significant achievement, professional or personal?
  • Extra-Curricular activities/Hobbies/Community work.
  • Tell me about your weaknesses.
  • How would your friends and colleagues describe you?
  • GMAT score.
  • Any questions for the interviewer?

Overall, I felt comfortable except in a couple of questions where I had to really think hard about some more examples to elaborate. He had the resume with him and was constantly double checking my experieces and the dates with the positions that I have held. He took notes almost 30% of the time and was quite animated throughout the interview.