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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumni / Admitted

I had my interview on the first week of Feb with an alumni. It was a pretty relaxed and cozy experience. I was wearing a formal suit, which my interviewer told me it’s not necessary when the interview ended

The interview started with my interviewer introducing me to the admission process and the purpose of the interview, then she began to ask questions. Standard questions, just like what you see in other entries.

Here are some that I remembered:

  1. Walk through resume
  2. A little detail of each job
  3. A leadership case
  4. A teamwork case
  5. A career vision question
  6. A ‘why Kellogg MBA’ question
  7. A ‘what will you contribute’ question.

The interview lasted an hour. The last 20 minutes was a conversation on the Kellogg experience. My advice is to be prepared for the obvious questions. I think Kellogg interviewers do not get to see your essays, so they tend to ask basic questions to learn more about you. Just be prepared and you will be fine. Good luck.