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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumni / Off-campus

Originally shared at Pursuit of My Dreams

Kellogg gave me one month to schedule the interview with an alumni working in a big consulting firm. He was very easy going and approachable – in line with the Kellogg spirit of teamwork. We scheduled the interview at his office.

Preparation Material: My application, Kellogg’s website, Accepted and Clear Admit Interview databases, Clear Admit School Guide – Kellogg and How to interview like a top MBA

Interview Experience: I reached his office fifteen minutes early. We had some general talks. He told me that he’ll keep the interview conversational.

The questions asked were straightforward.

  • Walk me through your resume elaborating in detail the path that has led you to plan for an MBA?

He kept asking me follow up questions in between — How did you manage that? What difficulties did you face? etc. The conversation went long, more than 20 minutes.

  • What do you want to do after MBA and in the long term? (3 minutes)
  • Tell any obstacle that your team faced? How did you overcome? ( 3 minutes)
  • What will your manager comment about your managerial potential during appraisal? Why? ( 5 minutes)
  • Why Kellogg ? (5min)
  • How will you enhance the diversity of the Kellogg class? (5 min)
  • What element of your application do you fear most about? ( 2 min)
  • Any questions for me? ( 10min)

Total ~ 50 minutes

Overall very satisfactory experience.

Result: Dinged one month after the interview.