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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumni / Off-Campus

I was given my interview assignment fairly late, about exactly 8 weeks after having submitted Part I of the application. The alumnus that I was assigned graduated in 2008. He arranged for the interview to occur after work at a local Starbucks. The interview was very conversational, and the interviewer was both friendly and helpful.

Questions (as close to the order as I can remember):

  • Why Kellogg? — which surprised me, given that I hadn’t yet made a case for an MBA. I answered Why MBA? and then jumped into Why Kellogg?
  • Do you need an MBA?
  • How will you contribute to Kellogg?
  • What are the weaknesses in your application? What was your GMAT?
  • What are you interested in / passionate about?
  • Do you have anything that you would like to add?
  • Do you have any questions?

Though I’ve only listed a few questions above, the interview was very wide-ranging. I made sure to take the lead and discuss matters that I thought he would have an interest in hearing, including: providing detail on the jobs listed on my resume and the stories and experiences behind them, talking about my background and upbringing, and listing the activities I intend to do ahead of business school.

In total, the interview lasted a bit more than 80 minutes, and the time really flew by. The interviewer told me that he’d provide me with a good report, and asked me to update him when I heard back from the admissions committee. Overall, it was a very pleasant experience.