For some odd reason, I got a very tough interview; lasted 75-80 minutes; the interviewer was not very friendly, and at times almost hostile. I believe I was asked just about every question that I’ve seen listed here. Started off with:
- Tell me about your current job and walk me through your resume backwards.
There were lots of pointed questions about my resume. Also much cross-questioning throughout the time we spoke about my work experiences, some of it very critical.
Other questions:
- Have you ever live outside your home country?
- Tell me about your extra-curricular activities.
- Why MBA?
- Why Now?
- Why Kellogg?
- Why not buy some books and do self study? (serious)
- Have you visited Kellogg?
- Why not? (Harsh considering that he and I both live halfway around the world from Kellogg)
- Define Leadership.
- What is your leadership style.
- Examples of leadership experiences (work)
- Examples of leadership experiences (other than work) – cross questioning
- Examples of leadership experiences (other than work and school)!
- Difference between leader and manager?
- What leadership areas do you hope to address at Kellogg?
- What is your greatest achievement to date?
- Tell me about a time you showed initiative.
- Tell me about a time when you contributed to the success of a team.
- Tell me about a time when communication with others led to the achievement of a goal.
- If I were to ask your current boss about you what would he describe as your weakness?
- What do you think are your weaknesses?
- What extra-curricular activities do you plan to take part in at Kellogg?
- Any faculty members that interest you at Kellogg?
- Which other programs are you applying to?
- How will you select between these programs if offered multiple admissions? – cross questioning
- How did you creatively solve a problem? – cross questioning
- What do you find challenging/difficult about your current job?
- How will you add to the experience of other kellogg students?
- How do you intend to finance your MBA?
- Is there anybody you admire or have learnt from?
- Interview is over. Do you have any questions for me?
I asked about his Kellogg experiences, to which he replied in detail and quite passionately. After this he expressed some interest in my Extracurriculars and got somewhat more friendly in tone. I got a feeling he had some doubts about my ECs and was counter-checking. Overall I got the impression that the guy had his mind made up about me before the interview started, and was trying to pick holes in my story; either that, or he was trying to create a pressure interview scenario.
Not very hopeful 🙁