Met alum at a coffee shop. I showed up a half hour early, grabbed a drink and a table, my interviewer showed up right on time. He spent about five minutes introducing himself and explaining the format of the interview, then we got right into questions for about 45 minutes. He had a copy of my resume and a sheet of questions with space to take notes, which he used. I did not open my notepad. Several times during the interview, we got off on tangents discussing Kellogg. Many of the questions that had later in the interview we had already addressed in part or in whole by the time we got there. At the end, he offered me the chance to ask him questions and we talked for about 10 minutes with that. Total interview time was about an hour.
- Tell me about yourself.
- Walk me through your resume.
- Why an MBA?
- Why Kellogg?
- Talk about a leadership experience.
- Think about a leader you admire. What are some of his/her characteristics?
- Short term/long term career goals?
- Biggest accomplishment at work and outside of work?
- What clubs do you want to participate in at Kellogg?
- What are your hobbies?
- Do you travel?
- How would you contribute to Kellogg?
- What’s the biggest weakness in your application?
- Questions?
Overall, I felt that I was weak on a couple of the questions but nailed most of the rest and came away with a good feeling. The alum said that he would be interested to see what happened to me — I explained to him my less-than-great academic record — but said that he thought apart from that I had a good shot.