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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumni / Off-campus

My interviewer was absolutely friendly and kind. No challenging questions were asked, and all of the questions that I was asked were covered by Clear Admit Wiki. (So I’m showing my appreciation by submiting my interview report for others!) I talked about my experiences for 20~30 minutes to answer her questions and spent the remaining 25~30 minutes learning more about her experiences at Kellogg.

Some of the questions I was asked are as follows:

  • Tell me about your current work experiences.
  • Career goals
  • Leadership experience (outside work – i.e. college, extra-curricular activities)
  • Team experience (at work)
  • Why now?

I was surprised that she never asked me about “why Kellogg?” and “why MBA?” I am guessing she already knew what my answers would be for these questions. My answers were prepared in a “story-telling” style, so she didn’t probe into much detail.

The entire interview including greeting, questions, answers, and her stories took about 55 minutes. I had 5-6 questions to ask her, and her answer sometimes covered couple questions at once. Although I believe my interview went smooth overall, I wish I had prepared more questions as I started running out of “great” questions at the end. (I have a close friend who is at Kellogg, so I didn’t have a long list of questions as he already told me so much about the school.)

I certainly had a wonderful time meeting with my interviewer and truly enjoyed talking with her. She has definitely left me the best impression about Kellogg. Now I see how Kellogg has got its reputation for being friendly and social!