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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumni / Off-campus

Interviewer was very friendly and certainly a huge supporter of Kellogg. Kicked it off mentioning her background, then had me walk her through my resume. Spent about 10-15minutes going through my college experience and work experience in detail. Then, more standard questions,

  • Why MBA
  • Why now.
  • Why Kellogg
  • Where do you see yourself in 10yrs?
  • Greatest accomplishment at work
  • How have you handled conflict / disagreement
  • What type of leader are you?
  • Describe the type of leader you would like to be
  • What role do you normally take on in a team?
  • What types of activities are you involved in?
  • What concerns you the most about your Kellogg application?

Those are all that I remember, then opened it up for me to ask some questions.

Overall, very conversational in the first half, then more standard interview in the second half where she consulted the script a few times to make sure she covered all the questions. A couple questions I probably could have been better prepared for, but no surprising questions. She took a lot of notes throughout, and it seemed to go very well.