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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumni / On campus

There were 8-10 people waiting to interview at the same time, when I was only expecting 2-3 people. I interviewed on campus, but with an alumni. She said they asked her to volunteer because of the high volume of applicants. She said the interview would last 30 minutes but it was 45-50. She was friendly.

The questions posted by everyone here were the same except that since I am a high-level manager at my current job, she did not ask me any pointed leadership questions. I assume I was expected to cover this in my narrative when I walked her through my resume. She did not ask me any failure or what are your strengths/weaknesses type questions. I think she wanted to see how I presented myself and to get a feel for my personality and motivation for Kellogg rather than hear rehearsed answers to typical interview questions.