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Kellogg MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off Campus

In order, these were the questions I received:

  1. Tell me about a challenging situation you faced in a group / team situation
  2. How do you define leadership?
  3. Who is a good negotiator?
  4. Have you ever been in a negotiation where it wasn’t win – win, rather, win-lose or lose-lose.
  5. Describe an accomplishment you’re proud of.
  6. Why Kellogg?
  7. At Kellogg, students tend to get involved in a lot of clubs – which ones would you be interested to join?
  8. Where do you see yourself in five years? (When I said I was interested in consulting, he asked me about specific firms I might be interested in)
  9. What other schools are you applying to?

Then he allowed me to ask him some questions. I asked him the following:

  1. Tell me about your Kellogg experience
  2. Which schools did you apply to and how did you choose Kellogg?
  3. Did you go on one of those Global Immersion Trips?
  4. Have you had much interest this year from Australian applicants? To this last question, he replied that I was the first one he was interviewing for Kellogg (and that he’d interviewed a few in previous years. Also, he has 2 or 3 other alumni friends in Aus who have reported that they’ve been talking to a few candidates this year).

My interviewer was pleasant and generous with his time. He took the time to talk about Kellogg as well as his experiences post Kellogg. A good interview experience.