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Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumni-Adcom / Virtual

Image for Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumni-Adcom / Virtual

My interviewer was both an Alumni and a member of the Admissions committee, but had only previously viewed my resume. The interview was 45 minutes overall, with about 5 minutes of introduction, 35 minutes worth of questions, and 5 minutes at the end for me to ask questions.

Very pleasant conversation. We went step-by-step through my resume, with me explaining my roles, progression, why I chose the path I did, and what I learned from various experiences. We discussed my leadership style in general, and different ways I interacted with teams and team members.

A couple specific questions:

  • What would your co-workers say about working with you?
  • Can you give a specific example of a time you worked alongside someone who was different than you, what were the challenges, and what did you learn?
  • How has your leadership style changed since your undergraduate days.

She was helpful with her answers to my questions and really used the opportunity to emphasize Kellogg’s very deliberate approach to maximizing diversity and building well-rounded leaders.