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Kellogg / Northwestern MBA Interview Questions & Report – Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus

Image for Kellogg / Northwestern MBA Interview Questions & Report – Round 1 / Adcom / On-Campus

The adcom was super nice and started off the discussion by reviewing the overall process and next steps from today.

The overall flow was: walk through your resume, provide behavioral examples, short / long term goals, life outside of work, why do you need an MBA, why Kellogg specifically (looking for a lot of emphasis on team work throughout the discussion)

Specific questions I had (40 minutes):
– Tell us about your path to (my firm)
– What do your current responsibilities look like?
– Can you tell us about a project you have been on where you’ve worked with people different than you?
– Can you tell us about a project you’re proud of?
– What do you think your legacy at will be? What will you be remembered by?
– How would the people you work with describe you in three adjectives?
– What are some things the people you work with would say are areas you need to improve on?
– Is there any part of being a leader you struggle with?
– Tell us about your short and long term goals
– This is a new industry for you, why this industry?
– You have pretty specific goals, what would you do if those didn’t work out for some reason?
– Tell us about XYZ initiative
– Why an MBA?
– Why Kellogg?
– What do you think you bring to Kellogg? Why would students be excited to have you in class?
– Anything we didn’t cover that you want to highlight?
– Any questions from you?

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