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Kellogg / Northwestern MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alum / Off-Campus

Image for Kellogg / Northwestern MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alum / Off-Campus

Interviewer was very warm and nice. Asked typical behavioral questions that you can find on Clear Admit/GMAT club, but drilled down on a couple questions such as:
1. (After explaining my analytical background briefly) Can you tell me about a project where you showed your analytical skills?
2. (After walking her through a time I have failed) How did you handle it?
3. (After walking her through a time I led a project) What do you think is the contributing factor to the your success ?
4. (After reviewing my resume) what is your role and how would you describe the work that you do?
Interviewer was really friendly so it was hard to tell if I did well or not, but overall good experience.

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