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Kellogg / Northwestern MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alum / Off-Campus

Image for Kellogg / Northwestern MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alum / Off-Campus

The interview was pretty straightforward and casual – we met at a coffee shop on a Sunday and she was an alum of the 1Y program, as that’s what I applied to. She had marked up my resume and had some forms to fill out from Kellogg. Questions included –

1. Why Kellogg?
2. Why an MBA?
3. Why now?
4. Pretty pointed questions about each of my jobs as listed on my resume and extreme detail on some bullets or stories I told (I’m assuming this was personal interest as they had a supply chain tilt and she works in supply chain, but it was unclear)
5. Why 1Y program?
6. What’s your biggest strength?
7. Biggest weakness?
8. Any thing we haven’t covered that I should ask you about?

Overall, thought it was pretty friendly and straightforward. It was the first alumni interview she had ever done so I’m not sure how it really related to the standard interview. I did think it was strange she didn’t ask my long and short term goals, however, but seemed in line with the idea that they’re just trying to gauge personality fit with their interviews.

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