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Northwestern / Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Skype

Image for Northwestern / Kellogg MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Skype

I received an interview invitation fairly late (late October), and due to unavailable alumni in my area (I am from Central America, for reference) I was offered a Skype interview.

The invitation e-mail stated that interview would be conducted by an admission’s member who had not previously reviewed my application, so I was surprised when I was greeted by a second-year student. The interview was fairly standard and no surprise questions were asked, except for one, later marked with **. It was evident to me that I was paired up with the student based on interests, given that he seemed fairly educated in my niche industry, and even told me he knew a local nonprofit I mentioned — and he’s not even from my country or even from Latin America. As far as I could tell he only had my resume.

The interview was not so nerve-wracking because he had to take notes throughout, so he more often than not was looking down. He was also very reassuring and responsive whenever I gave an answer which also made me feel at ease. The interview lasted about 45 minutes.

Some questions I was asked:
– Walk me through your resume
– Tell me more about X startup, why did you start it, where does it stand now?
– What does a regular day look like at your current job?
– Tell about your biggest accomplishment (further questions to dwell deeper on how I achieved this)
– Tell me about a time you failed. Further questions on how I learned and improved from this.
– What are your short and long term goals (I included why a Kellogg MBA in this answer)
– Tell me about a time when you worked with someone who was problematic**
– How would others you have led describe your leadership style? Would you agree?
– What extracurriculars would you like to be a part of as a Kellogg student?
– How would you contribute to the Kellogg community?
– Is there anything we haven’t covered that you would like me to know?
– Do you have any questions for me?

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