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LBS Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumna / Off-Campus Hub

Image for LBS Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alumna / Off-Campus Hub

I interviewed with a recent alumna in the city I’m residing in at a coffee shop for the MBA2025 class. It was a very friendly atmosphere, and my interviewer did her best to put me completely at ease. We had nothing in common professionally or background wise aside from the fact that we reside in the same city. The key questions I remember were:

– Tell me about yourself, and why an MBA?
– What are your experiences with cultural diversity? In your opinion, what are some difficulties diversity in a workplace can cause?
– What is the work achievement you are most proud of?
– What are the key threats and opportunities your industry is facing? What are the three takeaways that you would advise your company to take action on, if you had to develop a strategy for them?
– Tell me about a time you had to resolve a conflict.
– Tell me about a time you moved had to adapt to a new environment.
– Why LBS? What do you want out of an MBA?
– What are you short- and long-term career plans?
– You applied to a few other schools – which ones, and why is LBS different from them?
– Is there anything you wished I had asked or you want LBS to know about you?
– 10 minute presentation.
– Questions for interviewer.

Overall my interview was very positive, and lasted roughly 80 minutes. It was clear my interviewer was very familiar with my application, resume and essays, and had tailored questions (and presentation prompt!) based on my background. She was also very candid about sharing her experiences, and answered all my questions in depth. It was clear she had an incredible time at LBS, and the interview made me fall in love with the school even more!