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LBS Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus

Image for LBS Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus

My interview was at the alumnus’ office. It started by breaking the ice and talking about the current situation in our city, and then the interview started with a classical tell me about yourself. After, the alumnus had a list of questions she started asking and checking after responded. The questions were quite typical of a job interview and what you can find in online forums, but some interesting ones were to tell her about a challenging time while working on a team, what do I think is an issue in business that is not being addressed, and what would my friends say to describe me.

Then came the candidate presentation regarding a topic, where the interviewer gave me 5 minutes to prepare and then 5 minutes to present my ideas, it is not a difficult case.

In the end, there was time for me to ask all the questions I had. I would say the interview was always really empathic and quite an enjoyable experience, so don’t come with fear and just relax and be yourself. Now I have to wait for the admissions team’s decision, but overall my experience applying to LBS was very positive.