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LBS MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus

Image for LBS MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-Campus

The interview happened in the interviewer’s office. It was very conversational and lasted ~1.5 hour

List of interview questions
1. Self-introduction (with follow-up questions about my hobbies).
2. Career goal and backup plans (challenge my backup plans and make some recommendations; also follow-up questions about industry insights where I plan to land my career).
3. Why LBS?
4. Leadership experience?
5. Conflict in a teamwork situation?
6. Thoughts on a diverse environment?
7. Case: the case was not that complicated.
8. Q&A (~30min)

I guess the interview style will be different, depending on your interviewer. My interviewer kept the interview quite conversational and deep dived a lot on every single question. Don’t be nervous and be yourself. Good luck!