It was very conversational, with a mix of application-based and behavioral questions. At the end, there was a presentation/case in which I had 5 minutes to prepare a 2-5 minute presentation.
Some of the questions asked:
Tell me about yourself.
Why study an MBA?
Why at LBS?
Describe a typical day at work.
Tell me about a time when you spoke up and it went well.
Tell me about a time when you spoke up and it did not go well.
Tell me about a time when you implemented an out-of-the-box idea.
What is your role on a team?
What is your short-term career goal?
What do you want to get involved with on campus?
Where do you see yourself in 20 years professionally?
Where do you see yourself in 10 years personally?
What motivates you?
What are your hobbies?
The MBA program is split between Behavioral/organizational study, Data and analytics, and sector-specific study. Where do you think you will lead and where would you struggle?