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LBS MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Online

Image for LBS MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Online

Behavioral questions + goal-related questions + life-related + case interview + ask questions back:

For behavior questions, they are based on your resume, you will need to walkthrough the reasons of any significant gaps or changes in your work experience (why the change, why the gap?); introducing one challenging but rewarding project and what did you learn?

For goal-related questions: Why LBS? Did you apply to any other schools and how would you compare them with LBS if you get both/all the admissions offers? What is/are your post-MBA goals? What would you do if you cannot realize all the goals? (What’s your plan B)?

For life-related: If you are now able to introduce yourself to your future classmates, what would be the things that surprise them about you? What do you think are the unique contributions you can bring to LBS?

Case Interview: The case quoted a professor from LBS lecturing the corporate strategy class “Don’t guess, but to learn, instead of sitting around and thinking, the strategy to survive in uncertainty is to keep experimenting, and build on it.” The question is, “thinking of your own organization, where could you experiment to help navigate an uncertain future?” Basically, it’s asking your to give an example of what’s the thing that you think your company/organization should do and how you would act.

Overall, the interview process is very conversational and iterative, we had the interview via Zoom virtual video call, and the interviewer was super nice and responsive to my answers, and very generous about sharing his experience in the school and how did they make the decisions about the school, the career. You can see a very close and collaborative culture in LBS through this alumni.