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London Business School Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alum / Off-Campus

Image for London Business School Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alum / Off-Campus

Background: The LBS adcom spends a lot of time (sometimes upto two weeks) to match you to an alumnus in your preferred location and usually s/he is in a field similar to yours. My interviewer was a recent graduate (2018) and was back in India to head her family business. I was requested to meet at her home office. She had already gone through my entire application and had certain portions highlighted to delve deeper into.

Introductory questions:
Walk me through your resume.
Why LBS?
Why MBA?
Why MBA now?
If not MBA, then what?
Why UK instead of US?
Where else have you applied and why?
What are your short term and long term goals? Why?

Behavioral questions:
Tell me about a time you failed at being a leader. What would you have done differently? What did you learn?
Tell me about a time you had the opportunity to work with people of diverse nationalities/cultures. What did you learn and how will it be useful in your future career?
Who do you admire the most and why?
What are your biggest weaknesses? What steps have you taken to address them?

About my job:
What does a typical day look like?
What will you like to change about your job?
What do you like the most about your job?
How would your colleagues describe you?

About LBS:
Which clubs will you join?
What is something special you will bring to your study group?
What perspective will you bring to discussions in class?
Which classes are you looking forward to?

Case study:
She read out a case study and had a timer on for 5mins for me to work on this (she headed out of the room during this time). I was given another 5mins to present my solution to the case. The case was around challenges faced by a major bank.

She asked if I had any questions for her.

The entire interview lasted for one and a half hours. It was moderately relaxed but she did cross-question a lot. Hoping for the best!