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London Business School MBA Admissions Interview Questions: ound 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus

I had my interview at my interviewer’s office. The interviewer was friendly but at the same time extremely professional (Actually I also gained a very valuable insight on the job market during the last part). Interview was divided into 3 parts: questions about me ( both my career path and myself as a person) / 5 min. presentation/ questions I had about the program. Lasted about 1.5 hours. the interviewer focused A LOT on my current business, not only related to my skills, but a lot also on business awareness. Eg. why is it a profitable business, what are the main challenges, how is it technically feasible, how is the company organized, do you think communication is good and why. Secondly, I was asked many “general” questions such as:

  • Are you a creative person?
  • What are the main characteristics of a leader?
  • Tell me about your leadership experiences.
  • How do you manage your team?
  • Give me an example of something that really disappointed you (a failure, a major disappointment)
  • Teamwork skills
  • My hobbies
  • What are you most proud of?
  • Why LBS?
  • Are you applying elsewhere?
  • Walk me through your CV

Presentation was a very general topic and really nothing to worry about. Actually it was fun doing it.

I’m still waiting for the results, finger crossed!