My interview was scheduled for 10 AM at the interviewer’s office. I reached about 15 mins early.
He was in on a Saturday only to conduct LBS interviews. Just glad that mine was the first. Entire interview was conversational in nature and did not feel like a question-answer session at all – especially when I compare it to some of the other schools I have interviewed with in the past.
Questions asked were –
- Where are you in the application process?…This was the first question and was a veiled manner of asking how are you doing on the other schools’ front because he obviously knew where I was in the LBS process!
- Explain a typical day in your job. Follow-up questions to understand my job/responsibilities better
- Why MBA? Strangely enough no Why LBS and other LBS specific questions..thankfully factored Why LBS into the Why MBA answer…so that possibly averted the follow up question of Why LBS
- Explain your leadership style
- Weaknesses?
- Professional failure/setback?
- Any issues when working with diverse international teammates?
- Presentation time – Given a simple enough topic and 5 minutes to prepare. I think I did more than okay on that. Not really a worry angle.
- Any questions for me? Asked him 2-3 questions.
The shocking part was that the interview ended in 40 mins flat – but later realised it possibly had to do with the fact that someone was lined up to interview after me. Also, the interviewer was not wasting any time on going through the stuff he had already seen in my essays/application/resume.
Cheekily asked him if he had any feedback for me at the end and he said “No” with a cheekier smile! Lol!
Wait till the 15th now. To get my mind off the nervous waiting – onto the next one. But some serious FIFA11 to be played before 😉