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London Business School MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumni

Interview was conducted in English. It took place on a weekday evening in my interviewers office. He received my current application, essays and CV. No recommendation letters or even the recommenders’ titles, no last year application (I am a reapplicant). He was curious “what were those huge improvements and changes that made adcoms consider you this year” so we talked about my last year aspirations as well. I wasn’t asked about Life and Universe and Everything (I mean why MBA, why NOW, why LBS), but this question loomed in the air.

What I was asked:

  • Your short-term and long-term goals. How LBS curriculum will help you fulfilling them? What skills do you think you need?
  • How did you like your visit to school and what was your take-away from the lectures you visited?
  • What project would you choose with your study group at LBS if you were at the point of choosing? What role in the group would you play?
  • How would you choose between different schools if you were in such situation? (what would be the base for your decision?)
  • What it the difference between firms at which you are targeting?
  • Tell me about your current industry, its main players. How do you see the perspectives of this industry?
  • What would you do if not admitted?
  • How you plan to finance your studies if admitted?
  • How do you lead? Describe a recent experience. Any lessons learned from it?
  • Your three good traits from your colleagues’ point of view? Three bad traits? (that was a tough one)

We got into the details of some of my essays. Talked about my work, current project and international experience. At the end the interviewer gave me a presentation topic. It was close to my heart so I hope I was able to handle it well. The interview was very friendly and lasted more than 2 hours. Result: Admitted!
