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London Business School MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 1 / Alumnus / Off-campus

My interview was at the alumni’s office. The interview lasted about an hour and was very much a relaxed conversation more than a formal interview. The questions asked were along these lines:

Tell me about your work experience so far
Why am I doing an MBA
Why did I apply to LBS
What do I know about LBS
What are my strengths
He asked me about group experience and how I work in a team
How do I deal with stress
Explain a failure I’ve had and what it taught me

Presentation Topic was something along these lines:
Assume you have taken over Nokia as CEO. Following the major sale to Microsoft, what steps would you take to ensure the companies profitability and future survival. I was given 5 minutes to prepare and about 5 minutes to present using a whiteboard. The interviewer said he had chosen the topic because it was out of my experience/comfort zone and to see how I would react.

Following the presentation, we discussed the school, societies and details of the course.
He then asked if I had any questions