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London Business School MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2

It was a good interview that went over by about ten minutes and lasted for a full hour.

There was no presentation and I think my experience was quite different from the other candidates.

I was not asked any standard questions (why you/why LBS/why now/teamwork example etc.). They went straight into the essays and picked up on particular phrases (you’re an outsider in your own country, why) and went into DEPTH. They really liked my essay on who I would pick to eat dinner with because it showed who I really was – they want to see passion. They didn’t like my essay on weakness (self congratulatory and weak). I think they were trying to get at how I would fit in from a people/study group perspective, the actual qualifications are probably left to the admissions committee. Interestingly, the alumni who interviewed me will also have input when it comes time to decide study groups.

I don’t think my interview should be seen as a template because my interviewers were quite ‘different.’