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London Business School MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 2 / Alumni

Location & Time: A meeting room in his apartment, early morning

His Profile : Finance. Working in a big MNC.

My background : Advertising. 4 years experience. Strong GMAT


  • Very friendly. It was more like a chat than an interview. We spent more time talking about the LBS experience than “interviewing”.
  • The interviewer had read the application thoroughly. He only had 4-5 questions he wanted to ask.
  • He started the interview by walking me through some crucial facts about LBS (Shadowing Project, Second Year Project, and etc.) and we spent a lot of time discussing about them.
  • Some of the few questions I recalled were “What do I think about the school’s marketing program and why do I think an MBA is right for me”.
  • After 45 minutes, he told me to get ready for the impromptu, which was a little surprising because I didn’t feel like I went through any serious interview yet.
  • The impromptu was about CSR which happens to be what I have a lot of experience in. But even without my experience, I felt that anybody could be able to handle it.
  • After the impromptu, we spent another 30 minutes talking about the schools. Its pros and cons.
  • The interview lasted about 2 hours. I would say LBS interview is totally different from that of other schools. It’s more like exchanging thoughts with an alumni and learning more about the school.
  • I haven’t receive any decision yet. I’ll update this entry as soon as I’m informed.