This was a Round 2 interview. I live in the United States and had to drive ~3hours to get to the interviewer’s office location (that’s pretty close considering distances in the US).
The interview itself was semi-formal. It was clear that my interviewer had gone through my application in detail and had some specific questions that he wanted to ask:
- Why are you doing an MBA?
- Are you applying elsewhere?
- Give me an example of a leadership experience
- Give me an example of when you took risk
- Give me an example of when you initiated change and how did that pan out?
- Walk me through a typical day at work for you
- Teamwork is very important at LBS. Have you worked in teams and what have your roles been?
- Give me an example of a difficult team member you’ve had to work with
- In what ways do you lead the team that you manage at work?
And then there were the general feeler questions:
- What do you think about LBS’ interview setup of using alumni?
- What did you think the cultural differences are between the places you’ve lived in (I’ve lived in the Northeastern US, South and Southeast)…This led to a brief discussion about American politics.
My interviewer then indicated that the presentation was a ‘formal’ part of the interview and asked me to prepare for 5 minutes for a 5-minute presentation. Topic: Who do you think are the 5 most powerful people in the world and why?
After the 5-minute presentation, we basically chatted for ~30 minutes about the school, his experiences there and what he thought the strengths/weaknesses of the program were. Towards the end, I asked for his feedback and he indicated that he thought I would be a good fit for the program.
Overall, he was friendly and candid in his insights into the program.
All said, I spent about 1 hr and 45 mins at the interview.
Good luck to all!