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London Business School MBA Admissions Interview Questions: Round 3 / Off-campus / Alum

Interview Date: 29 April

Round 3 Interview

Location: Weekday at his company’s offices

Interviewer: Industry (Telecomms)

Me: Military & Consulting, solid GMAT

My interview lasted just about two hours.

The first hour was the main interview question portion. After explaining how the interview would work, that he couldn’t provide me feedback, that there would be a short presentation, etc. we got started.

Questions included:

  • Why London Business School?
  • Because of my background, what do I hope to get from the programme? (This was an essay question, and I think he wanted to sense-check based on my experience, which is fairly broad.)
  • How would your colleagues describe you?
  • What’s the strategy of your company? (But that I didn’t need to reveal confidential info, obviously.)
  • What would you change about that strategy?
  • This led to a broader discussion on priorities and leadership in business.
  • Describe a time where you felt you failed.
  • What did you learn in your international experiences? How would you apply that to interactions with your study group?
  • How did I know an LBS alumni I had mentioned in my application?

The presentation topic was around corporate social responsibility. (He had a list of five, and asked me to do that topic.)

After all that was done, he had one last question (something minor), and then he put the papers away and just chatted about the school. He started out by telling me some of the things he wish he had asked his interviewer back when, and then it was just a Q&A session with me asking the questions.

It was clear that the admissions office had done a very thorough evaluation, and my interviewer had clearly studied my application closely, as well. He was very poker-faced throughout, so it was tough to get a read on how I was doing. I find out in just a few weeks!