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London Business School MBA Interview Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus

Image for London Business School MBA Interview Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Off-campus

The following London Business School MBA interview report was submitted to Clear Admit by a Round 2 applicant.

It was an application based interview [non-blind]: the interviewer had read all my application, recommendation letters, etc… He knew a lot about me already.

The interview took place in his office.


1) Walk me through your CV
2) Why MBA?
3) Why London?
4) What specific activities or courses on LBS will help you to achieve your goals?
5) Macroeconomic questions about the industry I work

After that, he gave me a case and left me for 5 minutes to prepare a presentation.
I presented it in maybe another 5 minutes.

Finally, we had a relaxed conversation and I asked questions about his experience in London.

Preparing for an upcoming London Business School MBA interview? Click here to get the Clear Admit London Business School Interview Guide.

After your interview, be sure to add your first-hand interview report to the Clear Admit Interview Archive.