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Michigan / Ross MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alum / Off-Campus

Image for Michigan / Ross MBA Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Alum / Off-Campus

The interview was conducted at a local Starbucks by an alum who had read my resume briefly. He started with tell me about yourself and I walked through all of my resume experience – after that there wasn’t much questioning related directly to the resume. He also took notes via computer which was unusual for an interview, but was able to type while still looking at me. Not a huge factor, but just something very different than I’d experienced.

Other questions included –
1. Why an MBA?
2. Why now? (really pried on these first two)
3. Why Ross?

Behavioral, tell me about a time you –
1. Lead a team?
2. Led someone more experienced than you?
3. Worked in an ambiguous situation?
4. Mentored someone who is not your direct report?
5. Failed

1. Biggest Strength
2. Biggest Weakness

Overall, a pretty thorough behavioral interview that felt like it consisted of many more questions than usual, but actually finished early (1 hour was allotted). I asked a ton of questions at the end and he was more than happy to chat and share more of his Michigan experience. I do believe it was his first time conducting an alumni interview as well.

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