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Michigan Ross Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

Image for Michigan Ross Interview Questions & Report: Round 1 / Second-Year Student / Zoom

Interview was very casual and over Zoom. My 2Y student was very conversational, seemed interested in what I had to say, and was taking light notes while I was speaking and asked a couple follow ups after each question. Interview was broken up into 3 parts, which she explained the format of before we started. Interview lasted ~45 minutes.

Part 1: Core Questions
1) Walk me through your resume.
2) Why MBA / Why Now (she did not ask about my goals, so had to weave that in here).
3) Why Ross?

Part 2: Behavioral
1) Tell me about a time a project went off course and how you got it back over the finish line.
2) Tell me about a time you challenged the status quo and convinced someone/something to change.
3) Tell me about a time you received negative feedback.
4) Tell me about a time you failed.
5) Tell me about a time you worked with others from diverse backgrounds.

Part 3: My Questions

Overall a very positive experience and really reinforced my interest in Ross!