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Michigan Ross Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Zoom

Image for Michigan Ross Interview Questions & Report: Round 2 / Alumnus / Zoom

My alumni interviewer was very warm, which made the experience a lot more enjoyable. We started the conversation with the interviewer providing me with background on her career. Then we dived into the expected interview questions:

1. Walk me through your background?
2. Why MBA?
3. Why now?
4. Why Ross?

After discussing those preliminary questions we pivoted towards behavioral questions:
1. Tell me about a time you managed a team.
2. Tell me about a time you worked with individuals with diverse backgrounds.
3. Tell me about a time you received negative feedback.
4. Tell me about a time you were leading a project and had to be adaptable.

After completing the interview questions, we had about ten minutes left for me to ask questions about the program. Overall, the interview lasted about 45 minutes. I enjoyed my experience and feel positively about Ross after – the interview was very conversational and the interviewer was genuinely interested in learning about me and my goals. Interviews are continuing for the next few weeks, so I have not received an admissions decision.